Immediately after the mandate was signed with lawyer Graziella GIOVIALE (“MariaGrazia”), sister of the later CONVICTED for FRAUD and FORGERY of SIGNATURE: CARMINE VINCENZO GIOVIALE (“Enzo GIOVIALE”), the former “lawyer” STRUCK OFF the bar association of the “legal firm” GIOVIALE & Partners in Soverato. The law firm that at the time was following the victim of the GIOVIALE FRAUD, then wrote to Banca Antonveneta – Branch of Soverato (CZ – Catanzaro) reporting the omitted protest and informing that another check for 53,000.00 Euros would be cashed.
avvocato gioviale

Read and download all the complete judgments that have convicted the former “lawyer” Enzo Gioviale. Include decisions from the first and second instance, as well as from the Court of Cassation.